We help you make better internet decisions

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Choose your market

We are currently in three markets

Meet our business partners


Our experience

We have a lot of experience in the danish internet market. We have two leading comparison sites in Denmark; TjekbredbÃ¥nd.dk and Find-internet.dk. 

We have helped over 4.000.000 users in Denmark get better internet for their needs.


What we do

Surfeo strives to be the best comparison site for Internet and mobile subscriptions in north Europa.

We give you the best overview and specify your needs and what is available.

"We will make Surfeo.com the place you wanna go compare your options" - Kasper Ottosen

Visit the country page which fits you and check our internet, tv, and mobile subscription offers.


Who are we?

Our team

Cooperate with us

We deliver leads to a lot of businesses, who we are collaborating with.

If your company thinks they would fit into our product or you have an idea for a new collaboration, please reach out.

We want to give the users the best possible comparison feeds, so we are interested in working with all companies in the markets we focus on

Please, don't hesitate to reach out: info@admill.dk.